Organic Traffic Increase Methods

SEO, Website Directory

If you have a website, one of your main goals is to rank top in search engine results. Because that’s how you get traffic to your site. In today’s article, we’re going to explain how we can attract organic traffic to our website. What is Organic Traffic? Organic traffic refers to visitors to our website […]

Domain Age

SEO, Website Directory

Domain age begins to be processed from the date the website purchased the domain name. The older the domain age of a site, the more seriously it is taken by search engines. Because search engine browsers believe that web sites with older domains are trustworthy. However, the only requirement to design a reliable site is […]

What is the Panda Algorithm?

Website Directory

Google’s panda algorithm is the most impactful update of all Google updates. The Panda algorithm examines the content of websites and decreases the value of sites that do not match the quality it determines. The Google Panda algorithm is a software that measures the adequacy of the technical infrastructure of websites. With the Panda algorithm, […]

How to Choose a WordPress Theme?

Website Directory

If you have decided to use WordPress as a content management system on your website, another decision you need to make is which theme to use. To make it easier for you to make this decision, today’s article will discuss what you should be aware of when choosing a WordPress theme. What to Consider When […]

How To Ensure WordPress Site Security?

Website Directory

If you have a website, there are many things you need to pay attention to. One of these issues is the security of your site. According to research, an average of 30,000 websites are cyber-attacked every day. WordPress sites suffer the most attacks because they have too many users. Because WordPress sites make up 40% […]