E-commerce Conversion Rate Optimization


In order to be successful in e-commerce, many elements need to yield good results. One of them is the conversion rate. The conversion rate is the percentage of requested actions performed by users visiting a website. These actions are very varied. Transactions such as purchasing, registering, subscribing or filling out forms are considered requested actions. […]

Most Common Mistakes On E-Commerce Sites


Nowadays, e-commerce allows us to meet almost every need without going to physical stores. For this reason, e-commerce has become a major part of the economy. Those who are part of this big economy and are engaged in e-commerce are taking many steps to get one step ahead of their competitors. Other than that, e-commerce […]

How To Increase Your E-Commerce Site’s Success?


To be successful in e-commerce, it is not enough to have a website and quality products. Many more steps have to be taken in order for an e-commerce site to be successful. First of all, your e-commerce site must be e-commercial. We explained what an e-commerce site should be like in our article “What should […]

What Should an E-Commerce Site Be Like?

E-Commerce, Web Design

One of the most important issues when starting an e-commerce business is creating a site where products or services will be placed. Through these e-commerce sites, brands reach their customers. The e-commerce site should be set up in a customer-oriented and professional way that minimizes the potential of the business to make sales. It also […]

How to Start E-Commerce?


Most of us get all our needs, including our market shopping, from e-commerce sites and e-businesses. We’re so used to it that sometimes we even take our meals out of our house. In this case, it makes sense to do e-commerce. Because whether we’re consumers or sellers, e-commerce is in every area of our lives. […]