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E-Commerce Basic Package Content

  1. E-Commerce site development
  2. Create a product catalog
  3. Payment and shipping integration
  4. Mobile compatibility
  5. Seo friendly design

What is E-Commerce website development?

E-Commerce site development is the process of creating a website where products or services are sold online. Considering elements such as product catalogs, payment systems, security measures and user experience, a digital store is provided where users can shop easily.

What is product catalog creation?

Creating a product catalog is to create a list with detailed descriptions, images, prices and features of the products or services to be sold on the E-Commerce site. This catalog offers customers the opportunity to introduce products and make choices, making shopping easier.

What is payment and shipping integration?

Payment and cargo integration is the integration of systems that enable customers to pay and receive their products while shopping on E-Commerce sites. By offering secure payment methods and shipping options, it facilitates shopping and increases customer experience.

What is mobile compatibility?

Mobile compatibility refers to the ability of an E-Commerce site to work smoothly on mobile devices (smartphones, tablets). The site is organized in a way that is suitable for mobile screens, making buttons and content easily accessible. This allows users to have a better experience when shopping with mobile devices.

What is SEO friendly design?

SEO-friendly design refers to a design approach that facilitates search engine optimization of an E-Commerce site. Elements such as URL structures, title tags, content layout allow search engines to better understand and index the content. This type of design helps the E-Commerce site achieve better rankings.


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